Using Section 1605.3.2 – Alternative basic load combinations of the 2006 IBC gains you very little. Included in the paragraph above the alternative equations is the sentence: "For load combinations that include the counteracting effects of dead and wind loads, only two-thirds of the minimum...
Urielcdc - you don't give any information on where you are practicing. Codes in Georgia are given the full force of law since they are referenced by an ordinance that adopts them either fully or as amended by the ordinance. The best person to answer this question is the reviewer for the...
msucog – you have stated that you work construction projects in Georgia. The 2007 Georgia Amendments to the 2006 IBC state the minimum qualifications required of persons performing Special Inspections in the State of Georgia. The requirements are found in Table 1704.1 on pp 15-17 at this link...