Well, at startup, I didn't suppose that building a transformer could be a thrilling activity.
ScottyUK: -Yes, indeed, there are environmentall problems with SF6, but if I remember correctly, not with the ozone but with warming potential. However, it is bad anyway. And this is the reason for...
Why they may become dangerous? I'm thinking at, let say, a 500mAh accu.
However, if I would like to recharge my cell phone batery for example,the charger already exist, but I assume that this is not about a mobile phone batery.
1. Well, there could be some reasons for somebody building a SF6 transformer, even at 2kVA:
- copper wire. The minimum order for enameled wire - transformer oil resistant grade - was too expensive and, of course, not on stock.
- weight. Well, it is a real pain to have a 1000 kg toy to work with...
Thank you!
First: I didn't knew that R134a is combustible. All the MSDS sheets I've read didn't say this. Oh, only that it can explode when it is mixed with air. Funny indeed!
Second: the transformer is a prototype, build by me. So what to say about the manufacturer opinions...
It is a small...
Well, all I need is to fill an HV transformer (50kVrms) enclosure with SF6. Simple, ok. Only that all the stuff is needed in a week and the SF6 provider has some problems.
So I must replace SF6 with something else.
R12 freon is a good insulator and it can be used instead SF6 in certain...