To add to bcallagan's liabilities, slipping on ice in the winter is another concern (aka liability) for slopes in excess of 4 or 5%. Many local ordinances in central NJ will permit slopes as low as 0.5% to 0.75% on pavement (bituminous or concrete). This is not that big of an issue with ponding...
I am looking into the use of a green roof system for an upcoming project. I realize there are a number of variables involved, but can anyone recommend the best way to model the use of sucha system. In particular, it would be important to model the green roof in combination with other...
I am looking into the use of a green roof system for an upcoming project. I realize there are a number of variables involved, but can anyone recommend the best way to model the use of sucha system. In particular, it would be important to model the green roof in combination with other...