You'll be fine.
Both companies (APA & TECO) simply verify the plywood mill produces sheets that comply with PS-1 which is a voluntary product standard for plywood, while PS-2 is the voluntary standard for Oriented Strand Board (OSB).
Brian K. Willis, PE
Of course this all assumes your masonry walls and foundation will be able to carry the additional gravitational and wind resistance loadings.
Brian K. Willis, PE
All the information you need will be on the certified truss design drawings which your truss supplier should be more than happy to provide.
Make sure the truss design itself complies with code and you should be OK. Check the certified truss design drawings for design loads. If this is a private...
The BOCA National Building Code, 1996 Edition, Section 403.1 defines high-rise structures as "...all buildings having occupied floors more than 75 feet (22860 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access." Varies exceptions include airport traffic control towers, open...
For years the Model Codes required 6 air changes per hour but have lately been rewritten as minimum 50 cfm for intermittent ventilation or 20 cfm for continuous ventilation.
Brian K. Willis, PE
Hopefully you've provided reinforcement for the CMU wall and the floor system at the top is designed as a diaphram to take the lateral load.
Unfortunately, the older model codes (CABO, BOCA, UBC, SBCCI) and the newest model residential code (IRC) require the use of anchor bolts for securing...