It's new construction. I will purchase four models (1-4 HP): all four sizes of equipment can run on 120V/1P plus three of the models use inverter drives and can run 208/1P or 208/3P. The entire equipment BOM can run 120V/1P, except for the HVAC (240v/3P).
I've been debating making all the...
Thanks--another variation
I believe the vendor states the equipment can operate at 120V/1P but recommends 208-240V/1P since the HP of the motors run between less than 1 HP up to 4 HP.
What's the preferred supply among manufacturers and the experts:
1. 120V/1P
2. 208-240V/1P
I am in the process of purchasing laundry equipment that is now independent of the phase; it can now operate on either 120v/Single Phase or 208-240V/three Phase since the "motor" unit is an inverter drive.
In the past, from an energy cost and amperage perspective the prefer choice for this...