Thank you for your idea on battered piles. I am presently working with another engineer studying feasibility of cantilever helicals and I will pass this along to him.
Also to return to the issue of cost, I recently bid a large room addition foundation on a fill and partly on slope (1.5...
SPR2: Speaking as an independent geotechnical contractor with experience installing both square and pipe shaft helicals, there are several considerations in making your selection. With 640 lead sections, this is an interesting job. I would only bid lump sum if I was confident of uniform soil...
Thank you for your response. Almita Manufacturing of Alberta, Canada is making
screw piles up 12 inches diameter and I believe they are starting to use their piles for cantilever shoring walls. I was not familiar with Cantsink and appreciate the reference.
I am glad to see engineers...
Howdy: After doing a search on helical foundations, I discovered the following post: thread256-115353 by renRosen which has been placed in the archive. I would like to revive the question:
renRosen: "I'm starting the process of having built for me a home (2700 sf) on a hillside outside of...