A little more information. This is for a roadway. There will be a permanent MSE wall installed after this is in place. We cannot brace the soldier pile wall to another wall. The "leap frogging" idea seems valid, but for soldier piles spaced at 6' i don't think it will be feasible since the...
I am designing a cantilevered soldier pile wall. There is a 7.5' deep utility trench 5' from the face of the wall. The elevation of rock is at the top of the trench. The rock is weathered limestone with an RQD of 75. The retained soil is clay with a Qu of 1 tsf. The maximum height of the...
I am hoping to get some career guidance as I will be graduating with my MS soon and need to pick a path within structural engineering. I am leaning towards the design of bridges or buildings and would like to hear some perspectives of these jobs from those in the industry.
I am using end bearing & skin friction, the foundation is for a transmission A-Frame structure, and a combined spread footing will be very large and deep in the ground due to long anchor bolts provided by the fabricator. Franki-type piles could be a solution but they would have to be 5' in...
I am primarily interested in the design of the reinforcement for moment capacity, the interaction diagrams seem like a good idea, but I am curious if there is a way to do it iteratively. For instance could you simply find the depth of embeddment for each bar location and find your required...
Is it possible to construct a belled drilled shaft in sand. I am having problems reaching my allowable bearing load and a bell seems to be the only solution. However since i'm in sand I was curious if it was possible. A spread footing seems to be the only other solution, but a quick calc...
I'm trying to find out the best way to determine the required amount of steel for a circular drilled pier foundation. I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion for a reference for determining an effective "d" for the reinforcement placed in various circular patterns.