actually this article is copyrighted by wiley press.
I can not post it here.
But you can find it in
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Volume 50 Issue 7, Pages 1701 - 1736
Published Online: 26 Jan 2001
It should be available at every technical university...
as far as i know, f.getSequenceFromMask(...) is a CAE intern
representation of some .findAT(...) commands. I was not
able to use this command properly but you can expose the
explicit commands in the rpy-file by typing
Hi Valerio,
unluckily I don't know any further source
of python scripting than the manuals.
A good starting point is to try things in
CAE and figure out from the rpy-file how it
was realized in python.
You can find the faces as mentioned above
getting myPart.faces[i:i+1] for the ith face...
Hi Malik,
unluckily I'm out of office , so
I can't check your settings with ABAQUS.
There are two things you can check with your
model. First, there is an output field variable
called sdeg that shows the degree of damage in
the cohesive element. You can also check for
quads (or something...
the findAt()-method returns a face object.
The argument for the Set()-method is a sequence,
in your case a sequence of faces containing
one face. I think this could be the error.
Try something like:
i = face1.index
set =...
as far as I know, if you define a solid section as crack path using a material damage law is only
possible in ABAQUS/Explicit. In your case, I would use a
traction-separation-law. This is explained in section
26.5.6 Defining the constitutive response of cohesive elements using a...
The suggestions with the partition worked very well.
Thanks again! But actually I was not able to get the coordinates for the respective integration points. Do I have to compute those coordinates by hand or is it possible to get it from the odb?
I considered VTK for other purposes, but did not...
I don't need the graphical representation in the CAE.
What I need is a list of values that I can further process
with python. I try to do it with the xxx.getSubset(...) but
I thought there would be a more convenient way.
thanks for your help.
I'd like to have the values for the stress components
for a cut through a body analog to a path in 2d. Is this
possible an how does it work.