Thanks cbrn. I'll use COMBIN14. However the problem now is that I'm not finding the help files useful for setting up the problem.
Could someone PLEASE outline the steps for me. Here's what I have so far:
I've created an area as follows: Preprocessor - modeling - create - areas - rectangle - by...
I'm trying to model an elastic circular slab on top of another elastic circular slab. The lower slab will be fixed at the bottom and both will be horizontally restrained on their circumferences.
I'm doing this by creating a rectangular area and choosing PLANE2 elements and specifying the...
Once I've defined the area, the elements, material properties etc and meshed it, how do I add an elastic foundation? Would this foundation be modelled adequately by link elements attached vertically to the foundation nodes?
I’m new to ANSYS and have previously written my own FE code in Fortran. Now I’d like to use ANSYS to verify an FE model in Fortran but am not sure how to go about it.
The model is as follows: An axi-symmetric model of an elastic circular slab on an elastic foundation. I have used...