Im not sure if my input file would be of much aid, since you have to run a >1 hour simulation to see what happens.
I will try to clarify my problem:
initially the beam elements are situated on the global x-axis. In the final deformed state the elements are still parallel with the x-axis, but on...
I'm doing a large deflection analysis with BEAM4 elements but I'm having difficulties plotting the axial rotation due to torsion. The normal rotx DOF plot gives erroneous results because it is based on the nodal coordinate system instead of the element coordinate system. I tried...
Do you agree with me that adding a tensile force should result in fewer rotation?
I understand that when you add the results of 2 seperate runs, one with torsion and one with tension, the end result will be the same amount of rotation as the run with torsion only. I just thought there...
thanks for you response!
what linearity assumption do you mean? To answer your question, yes I tried both prestress and stress stiffening, both didn't change the results. The manual says about stress stiffening that it only couples bending stiffness and axial stiffness. Because there is no...
Hi all,
A string of pipe elements clamped one side and loaded with a torsion moment results in a certain amount of rotation. Now I'm wondering if adding a tensile force to the pipe's free end results in a lower amount of rotation.
I tried to simulate this very simple problem in Ansys but...
I can't see how I can apply an axial force by applying an internal pressure, in case of an open pipe. It would work in case of a closed pipe, but then I would also influence the cirumferencial and radial stress which is unwanted.
Maybe I don't understand exactly what you mean, but there...
Thanks for now, I won´t have much time to work on the problem this weekend, but I will continue this thread on monday for sure. I hope you will keep helping me ´cause I know together we will solve this thing!
Thanks for your respons!
I tried the SFBEAM command before but I only get it to work with real beam elements. Not with derived beam elements like the PIPE series. I think it says in the manual that the SFBEAM command should work with PIPE elements as well, but it just doesn't work for me...
First of all, thanks for your reaction!
During a large deflection analysis the forces work in the global coordinate system, which does not rotate with the model. I am pretty sure that the only way to get an axial follower force is to apply an axial pressure. I just dont know if that is possible...
Hello all,
I'm doing a large deflection analysis with a string of PIPE20 elements. I want a force to work in the pipe's axial direction at any time during the analysis, hence I need a follower force. I know this requires applying an axial pressure since forces in Ansys always point in the same...
Hello all,
For some time I've been trying to predict the occurance of rotation in a pipeline with an initial curvature, when bent in the opposite (against the initial curvature) direction. My assumption is that when you try to 'straighten' a curved pipe, it will try to rotate 180 degrees at a...
My questions is the following:
Consider a supersonic flow over a flat plate at angle of attack. The flow direction downstream of the trailing edge of the plate, behind the trailing edge shock and expansion waves, is not precisely in the free stream direction. Why?
Apparently there's an effect...