Thanks to all for the comments.
I would like to get a better understanding of the ASTM E 446 levels. How do I correlate the levels to size and quantity? Is this defined in the radiograph binders referenced in the standard (the ones that are $3000)?
We supply to just about every industry you can think of. I have current projects for construction, heavy truck, and also general industry.
I am not looking for parts to be 100% inspected (x-ray). Parts are x-rayed at the start of production and then periodically checked using x-ray...
I am looking for a way to specify the allowable porosity in the iron castings we buy (most are ductile, but some are gray iron). I know there are several ASTM standards such as E 446 which discuss using radiographs for various defects. While I have read some of these standards, I do not have...