Tried the link, got:
Die Seite wurde nicht gefunden
Die von Ihnen gesuchte Seite wurde eventuell gelöscht, der Name wurde geändert oder die Seite ist derzeit nicht verfügbar.
I will click around on the Mannesmann site and see if I can find it. Thanks!
Sorry, I owe you a...
Thanks for your reply. It is hot-rolled and they are within tolerace, which is +/- 10% of nominal. However, we have never seen such variation within such a short distance.
Generally, the tube from other suppliers is much more uniform. The tolerance in that case becomes the range...
Again, thanks! I am already in over my head but not, so far, in an ethical bind.
This is not so much a vendor evaluation as a situation where management wants a supplier in a certain geographical region for logistics reasons. They want to buy material from this mill, and only the...
Thanks for your reply! I'll explain my position, you will see why am was so diffident about asking advice.
The company for which I work buys tube for use in a product. I'm the metallurgist here, and most of my work centers around advice to mechanical engineers and designers about...
This is my first post here so if I make a mistake, please just point it out and I'll fix it. Been reading here for a while but never posted before, having more to learn than to teach.
My understanding is that wall thickness variation is hot-rolled seamless tube in introduced in piercing, when...