That's exactly what i suggested to the designer, he said no, but couldn't really back up why not! that could be a goer if i can get the designer to see sense.
I am looking to drill Ø1mm (0.0393")holes through 90mm (3.5") thick Aluminium (ACP 5080), there will be approximately 3000 holes in each tool, and there are 4 tools.
Can anyone advise if this is possible with a drill rather than using EDM (which in my experience tends to be slow)
the holes...
Can anyone help me or point me in the right direction?
I need to find out the heat transfer properties of latex rubber, the rubber is 2.0mm thick.
We will be having water at 80°c under the rubber and need to know what the temperature will be on the other side.
Check with Wilson Tool, they certainly have a trumpf tooling cabinet available in the UK.
also Trumpf themselves supply some neat trolleys that hold the tooling in the cartridges ready to load.
I agree with Greg, engineers need to be able to communicate properly, spelling and grammar are very important.
For the interview, do your best to look presentable, make sure you come accross as keen, if given a tour of the plant, show an interest in what is going on, ask the interviewer...