the estimataions of the defelctions on these type of structures is a bit cumbersome. it is a non-linear problem.
depending on the problem u have. softwares (a non- linear )are usually used to calculates wind loads and fabric defections, form finding procceses. u may read thread 507-16612 a good...
it sound like a tensile structure project. there are two typs of sotfwars. surface and forten32. they are rather expensive specially the forten 32. it is a non-linear finite element programm. the site is
it does analysis and calculats loads and all. surface does only form...
u may try tensioned fabric structures, a practical introduction by R.E. Shaeffer. ASCE. this book has a lot of refrences on the subject. i work with tenisle structures. we make them and install them.
i have similar question on wind up lift. can any one suggest where can i find wind loads codes and how to estimate the up lift for shelters open and vary in hights?
thank you