Looks like a very useful formula. A couple of questions:
1. Does M = mass or mass flow rate?
2. Does U = convective heat transfer coefficient?
Thank you!
You might want to downloaded www.heatsinkdesigner.com. It's a really slick tool that predicts heat sink performance. You can try different materials, shapes and airflow and it predicts thermal resistance, weight, etc
That's exactly right, tunalover. We looked at IcePak and Flotherm - great tools but overkill for what we need, and a major investment in $ and time.
An engineering tool is just that - a tool for engineers. It will be used by EEs with some experience in heat sink selection.
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mecheng66: Thanks for the suggestion. I tried Heat Sink Designer and it's very impressive.
IRstuff: I wouldn't call Fluent's product 'unacceptable' but I am looking for something better along these lines:
1. Fast and easy to use. We are not thermal experts here and only have a need to use...