How would I calculate offset on the output of an inverting amplifier due to the bias current specification of the circuit, for a particular amplification factor?
Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the help guys..
VE1BLL: This is an idea that I came up with while I was doing my senior design... So I've just been putting together some stuff for that...
And Mike: "((Never)^2 try to carry a low amplitude signal over a shared cable)" Care to explain why? I'm assuming its due to...
I have a varying (slowly) small amplitude signal (still didnt figure out its properties) on one set of wires. For the second set, I have 2 mentioned above (a power signal or a digital signal).... Which one would be a better option...? the power one or the digital one?
the 100Mhz signal is a digital signal originating from a computer. I figured it would be a good approximation for coupling to say that its a sinusoid.
I took just 1 class on instrumentation 2 years ago, and can't remember much... I only remember reading a couple of paragraphs on stray...
Hi Everyone... I'm a bioengineering graduate (still looking for a job). Anyways I'm trying to connect a slowly varying small amplitude signal from a sensor to an amplifier using a two conductor cable. I have to use the other wire in the cable too.. I have 2 options.
1. Connect a power line (60...