I decided to lay out a timeline for my board members using the time scale section of the gant chart view. When I added the name to a few of the high level tasks it made all of my tasks that same heigth not just the ones that I added the name to. When I try to move the tasks back into a...
Thanks ProjConPro, MSPtrainer and mlmaclean I have a good understanding of how those fields work now. I will add baseline start and finish to my plan to show the difference between estimated and actuall. Thanks again
Yes I don't understand why it changes the start and finish. Since I originally predicted the start and finish they shouldn't change when I update the actual start and actual finish, but it does. I think MS Project is flawed in this way. Thanks
I added an actual start and actual finish columns to my project plan in the gant chart view. When I try to update the actual start and actual finish dates, it changes the start and finish dates. I must be doing something wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
When completing a task project does is not changing the actual finish date to the date that I completed the task. According the reading I have done this should be defaulted?
As I input new tasks, Project seems to guess what type of task it needs to be. I many times need to change these to something that makes more sense. example: inputted a task that needs to be done by a certain date and project made the task a "finish no earlier than" with a date that should be...
I have been trying to use the print a report menu, current activities, slipping tasks template. I then edit that template and choose late/over budget tasks, but it still doesn't report correctly.
Thanks thats where I am trying to get. I am not sure where to input the work hours. Could you detail the correct way to input the work hours. Sorry for being novice at this.
Let me try this question again. Lets say I have one person scheduled from 02/01 to 04/01 to complete a task that will only take them 4 hours. How do I tell project that I am giving them two months to complete a 4 hour task. This same person may have 19 other task for that same period.
I like to put start and end dates on each task, thinking about how many days I am giving a resource to complete a task. I although do not know how to input the work effort it will take to complete the task during the duration. Please help as I need to do a resource risk analysis and dont know...