Not so dense these days now we have the microcontroller. One to hand has 80pin flat, 28 pin soic, 32 pin dip, 2 off 20pin dips, 2 40pin headers plus descretes. 2 layer, 3"x 2".
I use a router by Bartell, a german company, It's at least 10 years old. Ive never failed to get 100% routing success. Vutrax, an americasn company, used to use it on their systems but they make their own now. Both systems are highly recomended.
I think a 2 input AND gate solves this problem. PWM to one input, on/off to the other, output to the panel. You can either use a gate per panel or use the AND function in your software.
The kw rating seems too high, also a cold element draws alot more than its rated current. Another possibility is your temp controller is cycling too fast.
I'd be very wary about fitting fuses between the busses, if they open under heavy current flow, and thats when they will open, your buss voltage could go through the roof allmost instantly.
hi aolalde, the problem with your suggestion is you can't start the system easily and if the vfd is running at a lower spedd than the mains the power flows the other way and has nowhere to go so you get a bus overvolt trip.
Dont forget that unless you have an active front end on the "dyno" vfd you need to connect the dc busses together so the regenerated power has somewhere to go.