jraef thanks for the input. I have invested to much time and money on this contraption to disolve it. I ran a test and measured the current, maxed at 350 amps @4 seconds, and dropped off to 300 amsp minimum, it never dropped to running amp. When it transitions to 100% the current jumped to 400...
I have set a auto transformer to start a 1500 hp motor. The tap is at 50% the transition to 100% is at 8 seconds. The load is on the motor is set to engage at 9.2seconds ( gas turbine.) My questions are, what is correct time between transitions? Should the transition be when the motor current...
Gentlemen the set up I am using is the autotransformer with close transition. the time in question is the opening of the transition contactors 6 and 7 and closing bypass contactors 1 and 5 for 100% I am attaching a file on my setup. Pls see thanks...
Thanks for the comments, how much time should i program for the opening of the transition contactors and the final bypass contactors for 100%. Are both done instantanous for is their a small time I should allow?
I have complete installing a diesel generator that will start a 1500 hp 4160v motor useing a autotransfomer (two coil) . The Auto transfomere taps will be switched with 3 bypass contactors (close transition) using a a PLC.I will set the tap at 80% My question is the timeing on the contactors...
I am purchasing a standby generator to start one of our gas turbines. the starting motor is 1500hp 4160v. What is the most reliablle way to start this motor with this generator. Can I use soft starts? or can there be an issue due to the high intertia load. Are there other methods of starting to...
I am trying to get more PSI out of a lube oil pump. The pump is running at 78 PSI. The motor is a 480 v, 47 FLA 40 hp motor rated at 3600 rpms. It is operating at 3525 rpms and 38 amps. I need approx 89 psi out of my pump, based on my calulations I need to drive the motor at 3772 rpms and 47...
Thanks DPC, what do you mean bad news? safety or reliabiltity wise? , The MCC I replaced was 40 yrs, I terminated to the earth ground provided, however I do not know if it is connected to our grid ground. I should look into testing my ground.
I recently installed a new 2400v/480 v delta -delta transformer with a new motor control center. The MCC operates 5 -75 hp cooling tower fan motors. My ground detection meters are reading 270v on phase A, 300 on phase B, and 270v on phase. What can be causing this imbalance on my phase to...