I have a question regarding the Design of Frame members using ACI 318.
As per section 10.11 , for compression members design, an elastic first-order frame analysis with reduced moment of Inertia to take into account effect of cracking can be used as an alternative to using second order...
Currently I am working on a Equipment Support Foundation with heavy horizontal forces both under operating and Seismic cases. The foundation system is of 400 sq precast piles - 36 M long ( vertical capacity 900 kN and lateral capacity 50 kN ). The pile design is governed by the lateral pile...
Does anyone here have experience in using BS 6399-Part 2 Wind Loads and used it to calculate wind loads on unclad structures.
I have found it difficult to find any good references or commentaries on calculating wind loads on Industrial structures which are tyically tall and unclad.
Right now...