The second one would be more lightly loaded than the first one, so it would speed up, unless I put a higher pitch prop on it. I was thinking that rather than have electronic controls, if I wire them in series, I would get the same current in both, thus the same torque output, one would not need...
motors with propellers in series. Like motor 1 speeds the water up from 0-X, the other one takes it from X-2X(+/-).
Motors should speed up at a given input votage based on reduced load, or slow down based on high load. Current should remain constant.
Motors should be wired together...
It is for a personal problem. I want to move water thru a tube, using 2 motors with a prop on each. I prefer not to disclose too much. I want to have the same current in both motors, but each motor should output the same torque (same current). I will either vary the prop pitch on the two motors...
I'm a big out of my specialty here, but vaguely remember something from my sophomore year that leads me to think that what I want is fairly simple and doable.
I want to run 2 DC motors in such a way that one assists the other in moving a liquid. the first motor gets a certain volume of liquid...