Thanks for all of your input!
We have a favorable slope stability analysis that deals with the entire slope down to the foot of the hill. It does not address any stability issues related to imposed structural loads. Is there some accepted analysys that would suggest appropriate depth related...
Thanks for your response
The slope is 1.5:1 (apx 65% grade) average. 106 ft horizontal to about 65 ft vertical, sloping down from the street. The setback rule says the bottom most outward point of the foundation structure needs to be one-third of the height of the slope, up to 40 ft maximum...
My apologies for jumping over from the EE forum with what may be a dumb question. We are designing a deep pile foundation in layered sandstone and my geotech engineer, who is very experienced in this area, says we could use piles as shallow as 10 feet into the competent rock. The city wants...