Thanks again you two for you responses on this, it's really helping solidify my understanding.
The example I gave of "30 SCFM @ 100 psi" was a spec I pulled off of the spec sheet of a compressor I am looking at and I was looking to make sure I was interpreting it correctly. I guess I neglected...
David, LittleInch;
Thank you both for your input.
@LittleInch: I'm not sure I follow your point, but I think that may because of a misunderstanding. My note about the high pressure volumetric flow rate being the same was referring to the 1 cfm @ 100 psi g, 60°F. If I understand correctly...
David, thank you for your reply.
So SCFM is used as sort of a laymans way of equating mass flow rates? I do understand that the mass flow rate changes with pressure and temperature, but the way it's talked about, it's like the compressor's volumetric flowrate is somehow changing. I also...
Just to give some more background of what I do and don't understand, below is some more of what I had written, but then cut from the post as I thought it was getting to long:
I understand that the SCFM rating means is that at standard conditions (14.7 psi, 60 °F) that in one minute, the volume...
It’s not like there isn’t a lot of information out there on this, but I just don’t seem to get it.
I have a compressor I’m looking to use that is rated at 30 SCFM at 110 psi. What I want to know is my air flow at ambient conditions (40°C, 300m). Sounds simple enough doesn’t it. However...