somebody knows what is the command for python-script of the following inp command?
*initial conditions, type=solution
(put the values of the state variables)
The problem is that I'm using a python file to define a model and I have to load a user material subroutine, and...
I would know if it is possible to create a set of elements by using their corresponding nodal coordinates or by using a command (for python script and/or for inp file) which creates a box (defined by 3D coordinates) that contains the desired elements.
Certainly, I can't use the "*ELSET"...
I'm working with an usermat.f, and now I want to plot the results of a state variable that I've specfied before. Certainly, this varaible are associated with each integration point of the element.
Someboby knows how can I display the contour results of an user state variable?
Thanks a lot!
I've got two user subrutines implemented in FORTRAN. One is to describe an element (*UEL) and other to describe a material (*UMAT).
Somebody knows how can I call two user subrutines on abaqus command line?
I know how with one, doing this:
> abaqus j=input_file user=fortran_file.for
Hello to everybody,
I'm working with a model and I need to lie two nodes which initially have the same coordinate position. Afther one analysis with the two nodes linked, I want to remove this link and make a new analysis. I do this process because I'm simulating a crack in composite materials...