Thanks to you all for valuable suggestions.
I am aware that this question is more for Heat transfer Forum, but at first I needed to know standard for cooling water velocity.
However, if you are still interested in 'my condenser', I will certainly give you more details.
I am quite sure that heat transfer surface is too small. Turbine is type 18 K 348, and condenser heat transfer surface area is around 8500 m2.In my calculation, that area should be at least around 11000 m2. I think that it was some mistake during plant design, 10 years ago.
Designed temperature...
Thank you, metengr.
I am aware of increased wastage rates, but we have problems in acheiving designed power, and it is, in my opinion, due to inadequate condenser cooling surface.
What is recommendation for the maximum cooling water velocity for the large steam condensers, havig on mind tube erosion? (I want to increase condenser heat capacity by increasing the cooling water flow rate. Designed cooling water velocity is 1.95 m/s)