Hi Frank. I could not get that program to work. I did add the \managed\ folder to my path environment. The program is installed into this folder "C:\Program Files\UGS\NX 7.5\UGII\managed" I received a general error about how that program has stopped working. I even tried to go to a MS-DOS window...
No TeamCenter or PDM System. I have a text file that contains the list of files though. All are in one file and will be converted/exported into the same folder.
Text file reads like this
I received a bunch of NX7.5 drawings and the drawing views have Hidden Line Removal turned off. I figured out a way to turn hidden line removal on per view but it takes a while. I'd like to turn them all on at once. Is this possible. While i'm at it i'd like to cycle thru the drawings and have...
Hi Cowski. that was very close to describing my scenario and what needs to be done. Regretfully, i could not delete the arcs that are at the corners. only Hide them. When i extended the resulting lines, the re-built sweep keeps exposing the arcs and the original profile with arcs and clings to...
John. Your explanation seems somewhat easier to follow than Cowski. Thank you both. Thing is that i do not see the sketches in the browser anywhere. When i right click the feature and choose "Edit Parameters" I see Section-1 thru 12 in the list of sections used to build the sweep. Cannot start...
I have received an existing NX7.5 part file that contains a sweep with 12 underlying Profile sketched sections. Each profile is a simple rectangle but there are tiny radius in the corner. I need to remove the radius and rebuild the sweep. How to? Thanks for looking
Hello everybody. I have a question. Is Vis-mockup a good solution for converting 3D model? I'd like to take .jt files and convert them into Parasolids or Step
I meshed the model, added the loads,restraints and material. Performed a "solve", created a report. I do not see a deformed mesh for displacement or a von-mises stress plot. How do i view them?
I meshed the model, added the loads,restraints and material. Performed a "solve", created a report. I do not see a deformed mesh for displacement or a von-mises stress plot. How do i view them? NX6 Nastran
I have an ISO standard drawing that I received from korea of a machine weldment.
Certian marks on it are single, double and triple triangles.
I presume they are finish marks.
Do I add machining stock to a surface with 2 or 3 triangles resting on it.
Legend: V ( VV VVV )