I figured it out, you need to hard code the location of the file. I wonder if their is a way for an input box to show up for you to tell it where to look? I am not a big macro creator guy.
Bloodclot, I would post on the outside of your cubicle a little dry erase board. On this you could list the projects you are working on and state, that due to time constraints and managements insistence that you meet your deadlines, that interruptions must be cleared through (your boss).
Perhaps you should request to be moved to a different location in the building. I think the proximity is your problem. I remember one time at a Chrysler facility, the CAD room was kept dark for 2 reason one, it was easier on the eyes and two other depts were intimidated by it being so dark and...
Ctopher, isn't ITAR for The International Traffic in Arms Regulations , I mean a bike frame would not meet any of the criteria for that. Unless i misunderstood your post?
By a bike frame are you talking about pedal bikes (bicycle) or motorcycles, just wanted to clear that up. Also are you talking the steel, carbon fiber, aluminum, or titanium type of frames for bicycles? You may want to visit this link http://www.damonrinard.com/carbon_fiber.htm