No significant amount of organics present.
HNO3 is pre-heated through an external heat exchanger from ambient to 115ºC.
Then transferred from an intermediate vessel into the reactors where it is then trace-heated from 115ºC - 121ºC.
My main concern is whether a material of construction such...
I received some very good info re. MOC from this thread: thread124-190648. However, further investigation has revealed how difficult they are to get hold of!
Can anyone advise on the suitability of glass lined reactors for the following process conditions:
70% Nitric acid @ 121ºC (BP).
unclesyd, the process is client-specified, so we have not looked at the nature of the soil. What impact could this have? As I mentioned earlier, this is an existing process that works, only the nitric is currently only heated to 100ºC. The reason for wanting to heat to BP is that the rate of...
Thanks for your input. This is not a first time ever done process, and I am fully aware of the hazards. This cleaning process is currently done in polyprop containers with a lid with nitric heated to 100ºC. The installation of stainless closed vessels is a vast improvement on the...
Yes, it does have a lid, but the items to be cleaned are immersed in the liquid. The vessel material will be stainless steel. Probably 304. Any ideas as to sizing the vent line?
Thanks for the info kenvlach. Just to clarify, the aim is not to get rid of the nitric, but to maintain it at boiling point as it is used in-situ as a cleaning process. Therefore the less vapour generated the better, as lower load on the scrubbers.
Is the method shown above independant of vessel...
I am designing a 130 litre cylindrical stainless vessel to contain boiling 70% nitric acid (BP=120ºC). The vessel is to be heated using heating pads (as opposed to immersion heaters).
The vent of the tank will be connected to existing scrubbers.
How do I calculate the amount of vapour that will...
Most of our heat exchangers are plate/braised type exchangers with NMP/cooling water. Try Alfa Laval
Where does your NMP exhaust from? i.e. What do you use it for? NMP boils @ 202°C atm. NMP recovery can be done on site by vacuum distillation to remove residue.