I am working on the design for a type of reactor that uses elemental mercury as a liquid seal in the bottom.
On occasion, the reactor will have to be washed, and droplets on mercury will get washed away with the rinse water. Because of this, I also have to design a mercury treatment process...
I am installing a new forced main (10" polyethylene) of a water treatment's facility, which will tie into the municipality's 24" sanitary sewer line. The suggested tie in point is at precast concrete manhole. The manhole is 20 feet deep.
The municipality's water authority is worried that the...
I have an FRP tank lined with PFA which was once used to hold 35% HCl (at room temperature and atmospheric pressure).
I am considering converting that tank over to a concentrated sulfuric acid tank (same conditions).
So I want to know if I can do this. The chemical resistance for sulfuric...