Were there 'issues' with the fluid that caused your customer to sent those parts back to you in the first place, if so - what were they?
Once those components were taken from the system, the water could very well have evaporated off leaving a 'sticky film'. Is this film water...
Romke, very observant post :)
However true in the past, most pump manufacturers had been forced to cover themselves as water-glycol technology wasn't what it is today. The slight viscosity differential from a mineral oil fluids are negligible. Each batch (Mineral, synthetic, wg) will vary by...
Unless you can get a totally sealed system, (and even if you do) some water loss is going to happen. The trick is, to have the system monitored for the water content, and the basic testing (R.A. - C.I.C.T. - and viscosity) to ensure the properties of th fluid will not allow degradation of your...