Thanks a lot guys.
Itsmoked, can you please tell me more detail about why i can not use fuse for compressor? I thought of fuse because i thought disconnect wouldn't do any protection and the upstream breaker is 70A. So I thought maybe I could use a fuse to provide some protection.
also 'a...
Sorry I may not make it very clearly in my pervious post. I mean can I use the 70A breaker for the new condenser? my understanding is the breaker is only protecting the downstream wiring, which is already sized to suit 70A. all the motor protections are inside the unit itself. so, as long as I...
My mechanical people is going to downsize a condenser, which is fed from a 70A breaker in a panel, and with a local disconnect switch. the motor protection is integrated inside the unit. The new condenser only needs a 40A breaker. Now my question is do I really need to replace the 70A in panel...
I was sizing the wires for transformer by using the data sheet. Then I saw the things like this:
Three Phase 600-120/208v
30Kva, Primary 3#8-16mmC, Secondary 4#2+GND-35mmC.
Single Phase 600-120/240v
25Kva, Primary 2#6-21mmC, Secondary 3#1-41mmC.
My questions are
1. why we need grounding for...
I looked into my case. Now I have a 1/4HP Fan Powered Box which will be controlled by the motion sensor inside the boardroom. In this case, can I still use manual starter? or I have to use magnetic starter since the motor will be turned on and off automatically by the motion sensor? thanks for...
Can anybody tell me the difference between manul starter, magnetic starter and combination starter? How to choose which one i should use? thanks in advance.