Indeed. I'll use resistors with low tolerances. So what do y'all think of using the described shunt resistor method to measure current - given the circuit I described? If you don't see any problems with it let me know, so I can move forward on this. I don't exactly trust my knowledge on all...
Thanks for the replies. I'm actually measuring a typical computer PSU (6 outputs: 3.3V, 5V, 12V1, 12V2, -12V, & 5Vsb). So this setup would be replicated 6 times. So given the circuit you described, the load would be inserted between the PSUs + terminal and the 10Kohm resistor followed by the...
Hi everyone. First off, forgive me if this question is totally that of a newbie, but here's what I'm trying to do:
I have a power supply and an electronic load loading the power supply. The pwr supply outputs say 12VDC. Now I also have a data logger (namely Picotech's ADC-11) with an input...