Hi all,
I am interested in thermal fatigue modelling. In order to apply various criteria one need to know strains/stresses range/amplitude. Does anybody know some works/papers that estimate thermal stresses due to cyclic thermal loads:
1. estimate the thermal stresses analytical (Green's...
Thanks to all for advises!
What dou you think about fe-safe software? (which works with major FEA programs) see:www.safetechnology.com
Does anybody work with it?
tanks in advance
Which program performs fatigue analyses by FEM, both elastic and elasto-plastic domain? I am interested in thermo-mechanical fatigue.
Thank you!
Finally I have turn out right to generate a model with crack with CAE. For a suitable J value ( and also T stress, etc.) is need to rafine the mesh in front of the crack.
The way is to work on each regions of surface partition near the crack front ?