Thanks Tom,
I,m using the same preheat and coloring tech. as always, but all of a sudden my ability to get the desired results from them have changed. That change came with the hooking up of the new bottles so of course thats the area of my focus to find the problem. The temperature of the...
I am using an oxy-act torch to heat patina mild steel art work. I've been having problems getting consistant color results. Sometimes I'm able to get vibrant tones of blueing,
sometimes not. I seem to have problems when I switch bottles. Is there a chemical make up differance in the flame from...
I have been looking at several machines lately. One of the companies has an editorial that may be of inrterest to you.I hope its ok to post a link because here it is the company is torchmate.
Hope this helps.
I am trying to put a bright finish,without without heavy grind marks, on 14ga. cold roll steel.
I have had good results with material that has been left out and has some mild rust. The new sheet I have purchased has a blackish blue coating that is very difficult to grind through and still leave...
I would like to get a natural appearing rust coating on mild steel. I have used vinegar, salt water, and have placed the work piece out in the rain. Vinegar is the quickest how ever it does not have a "natural" appearance.
Thank you