Hello All,
I hope you can guide me on my way to find an answer. I need to calculate if a separator is going to rupture due to fire exposure. I estimated the temperature profile through time. I think I have to calculate the strength on the vessel to compare it with the UTS of carbon steel at...
I have read the posts and I confirmed this is a complex system. You mentioned that "the latent heat in the metal will transfer from metal to fluid". Is that involved in the calculation of the metal mean temperature? Because I am calculating the internal wall temperature (gas inside...
Hello All,
Please do you know how to calculate the mean metal temperature? I need it to determine the design temperature of the flare piping dowstream of the BDV/RO in case of depressurisation.
Thanks in advance,
Hello All,
I hope any of you can help on this. I need to calculate the shear rate in a pipeline at different flowrates of a mixture of gas and oil. I have read that I need the internal diameter of the pipeline, and velocities but I am not clear about the equation and if the velocities are for...
Hello All,
I have this info about an oil cooler:
Size: 2.58ID 23 O/L
Design T:120 S:155F & T:150 S:250 psig
Oper. T:45/70 S:128/75F & T:100 S:186 psig
It means, shell and tube type, but I need to know if it cah handle around 30 MBOPD? I think oil is flowing through tubes.
Thanks in advance...
Thank you both of you for your responses. My real problem is to calculate the oil residence time and now I found out that Stokes Law would be apropriate. Do you know if there is a typical particle size of oil in water? Oil density is 810 kg/m3 and oil viscosity is 1.4 cp at Patm. I know it must...
Hello All,
I suppose this is a so simple question but I am afraid I do not know how to solve it. Could you tell me How I can calculate if the residence time in an existinting horizontal separator is OK? I have the dimensions and estimated liquid and gas flows.
Thanks in advance,
Hello All,
Do you think it is possible to switch a conventional 1st stage separator with an electrical oil dehydrator? the dehydrator is 6 times bigger but I do not find technical information about its limitations. I mean what is the main characteristic of this type of vessel? The only info I...
Thanks a lot monaco8774. I see that operational weight would be more representative if I need to calculate spare weight in a facility, isn't it?
Thanks in advance,
Hello All,
I am reading a Topside Weight Review and I need to know the weight for each piece of equipment. But only base dry weight / base operational weight ratios for 10000t topsides are reported. DO you know what is that? how can I use them to get what I need?
Hello everybody,
I am wondering what would be a suitable maximum segment size for a pipeline pressure drop calculation with pipesim package? is a 3% of the pipeline length a good criteria?
Thanks cesarcf1977 for your comment, I completely agree with you, but if you fix the THP, GOR, Gas Lift and water cut, and increase the flow, I think BHP has to increase as well. I have notice that at low GOR (up to 500) and low gas lift (up to 1 MMSCFD) BHP decreases when production is...
Thanks zdas04, I am using Pipesim because I got some previous results with Prosper and BHP decrease appeared as well. I am just generating BHP behaviour at several conditions in order to evaluate future changes in fluid properties on the system. I agree it is a complex system but these results...
Hello all,
I think when liquid rate increases, BHP should increase as well. The opposite behaviour could be seen when GOR or gas Lift increases, or when water cut decreases, isn't it?. But I am simulating several 12000-15000 ft depth wells, 30API and I am getting lower BHPs at higher liquid...
Hi DrillerNic
Thanks for your response, it really clarify me a few stuffs that I was not totally sure about it. The problem really is the high water cut, so I think my best approach would be have a carefully look at the logs, and production test, to see if I can determine which is the zone...
Dear Colleague,
I am looking for information in how to control water production. I have read a little bit of gel injection, a polymer that change the relative permeability in the reservoir allowing oil and gas to be produce, and blocking water, but beside that, I would like to know if you have...