Does anyone have a copy of BCAR, Section D as a pdf file or know of a link to a copy?
I have looked all over the internet and can't find.
For those who don't know: BCAR (British Civil Airworthiness Requirements) are the old British equivalent of the CARs. Section D basically covered large...
Thanks a lot Ed,
I agree, we must be in different time zones. In spite of the delay I really do appreciate the help.
I had taken very conservative curves and determined a combined Margin of Safety of 1.67, with the numbers you provided my combined MS went up to 4.83 (including FF). So I am...
Thanks Ed,
6061 T6 Bar, grain direction L, W = 1", D = .25".
If you can provide the KTU results from Bruhn D1.15. I would appreciate that as well.
The Aav/Abr = 1.6
Thanks a lot,
I am working through lug analysis again.... and need to analize a 6061 T6.
Where do I go to determine the Efficiency Factor for Tension, fig D1.12 Bruhn, fig 7.5.4 Niu. And Efficiency Factor for transverse loads, fig D1.15 Bruhn, Fig 7.5.9 Niu. As these tables do not seem to corealte to...
Since My question is related I will also post here.
I have a test result on a particular piece of aluminum (X-ray spectrometer) it identifies the piece as 2024 Aluminum, with a average hardness of 79.5. How do I determine Temper from the hardness?