Vonlueke, thanks for confirming this. I am applying the shape values to the top and bottom chord because of the deflection and stresses allowed. For the struts a simple area calculation is used. It made sence to me, but I couldn't find a written referance to confirm it. Again thanks to both of...
ishvaag, thanks. So does this mean that I CAN equate the "square" shape and I value needed to another more efficient shape for the deflection claculation? My biggest question here is , Is it assuming a square to begin with?
I am designing a simple horizontal truss beam and am wondering how you relate the "shape" of the strut or cord into the design. All the calcultions I find only refer to the area of the members. Is this assuming a square? and you can then relate that needed area into a differnt shape?
Thanks to both of you. I think you have both confirmed my thoughts, that a "fixed" classification is out of the question. It is nice to be able to bounce this off of others for more views of a topic!
Thanks for the reply, I would appreciate, if you remember what the referance is, your posting it. A Fixed not simply supported calculation, allows for a slimmer beam to be used.