The generators are configured 12.47 kV WYE with no phase to neutral loads. The neutrals will be tied to ground therefore the resistors should have an impact on a line to neutral faults only at the generator which technically would be a line to ground fault. With that said, wouldn't the NGRs...
If I understand you correctly, you stated that providing NGRs between the star point and ground of my 12.47 kV generators is not such a good idea. I'm confused? I understand your logic but this contradicts (at least I think it does) just about everything I've read about NGRs. I was under the...
I'm in the process of expanding the electrical distribution system of an existing Healthcare facility. The expansion will consist of a new building that will house Medium Voltage (12.47 kV) switchgear, parallel connected generators (2 new and 1 future), and utility paralleling switchgear. The...