Hi Gwen,
This is interesting, as I am venturing into scan data at the moment.
And I have no idea about the module you're referring to !
What module is it you mean? Is it in Wildfire 2.0 ?
Thanks for your superquick reply justkeepgiviner!
Your suggestions would have helped me perfectly, except I don't want 'closed' curves which form sections. I want 'open' curves which I can then use to form a flat surface. Hope I've explained that clearly enough! (If you imagine drawing a...
Hi All,
I am trying to create a scan curve 'set' from a .pts file. The .pts file contains a number of points (about 50) in this format
x y z
with a 'tab' between the xand y and the y and the z.
When I create the scan curve in Wildfir 2.0 it seems almost as though ProE is deciding for itself...