Ok, I finally figured out what what going on. There were some minor interferences between some bearings, the holes they were in, and the shafts going through them (for a scissor lift). I had it as the exact sizes we will be using, so the bearing is 5/1000th larger than the hole and the shaft has...
Thanks corus. I understand what you are saying. I think it is definitely an issue with the stiffness matrix. While running the study, it stops everytime at 95% of the "decomposing stiffness matix" stage. I am using Plain Carbon steel from the Solidworks library. I do not know if is not properly...
I'm trying to run a study in COSMOSWorks on an assembly and I get an error which says "Singlar Matrix Error. Restraints may not be sufficient"
I cannot figure out what is causing the error. Everything is contrained properly and no parts of the assembly can move. I have tried multiple...