Thanks to both Mike and berkshire. I will try all suggestions. And Mike, your suggestion about documentation is a very familiar one for me. I come from a business/IT job to this one. There, and in my photoshop experience as well, what you're talking about is a well documented workflow, an...
None of this seems to make sense (to me). I have a simple drawing of an under counter support with 3 1/4 circle curves. All doc I find talks about converting polylines to arcs, not vice versa, which seems to be what I need to do to get a smooth curve cut after exporting to DXF. Also, I can't...
Mike -
We did finally discover that. We're trying to figure out how to set the number of segments or polylines during or before saving as dxf. You mentioned Export - when we Save As there's no intermediate dialog box - it just saves it. We'll see if there's something different exporting...
I'm just starting in this position (sort of a software debugger for the shop) so I'm picking up pieces as I go. Turns out ASPAN is converting the dxf to G codes, so I'm chasing that down next.
We've done it two ways, neither with polyline or spline.
We've started with a circle and with a 3 point curve. Both ways were saved to a dxf file.
Could it be the way we're pulling it into the cnc machine (scm)?
We have drawn arc shaped counters in autocad. When we save the drawing as a dxf file and send to the cnc machine, they're cut in straight segments. It used to work, i.e. cut perfect curves, the expert left the company and now it doesn't.
What's wrong?