Truss loads at roof joist.
Interesting question and I have looked at it several times myself. I have reached conclusions which sometimes cannot be concluded with proper Engineering calculations. My conclusions are based on a combination of calculations and personal observations on inspections of...
Thanks for responding. I asked that same question to the aci technical committee and they came back with a response that they did not consider this section to be applicable to columns.The comment from ACI reads;
"> > ACI Member Services.
> > In my opinion ACI 319-99 section
I agree with what you are saying. But as Engineers and inspectors we state that the rebar is to be placed in accordance with codes and certain standards. We look to those codes for guidance to ensure a sound product at the end of the day.
What I would like to know is what other people...
I agree that sometimes there is little regard by the contractors for the splice. However that does not justify the contractor detailing and placing rebar in that joint haphazardly. This joint is a very important for moment transfer due to any lateral loads and also due to bending...
I have a querry on column rebar splices through slabs. Is there a necessity for the column offset bars from below to almost have contact with the column bars above as they pass through the slab. The column can have bending moments which require a structural depth. It is my feeling that the...
Re filing cabinet storage
If you take paper a 56 psf ( assumed for this example)
For a filing cabinet height of say 6 ft
In most cabinets the paper is 12" long whereas the cabinet is 18 " wide. therefore we are conservative in assuming 75% solid=330*.75= 250psf...