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  1. Hotown

    practical limitations to using superheated steam in a process heating application

    I am working through a feasibility study regarding the use of superheated steam in a process heating application. We are required to use the superheated steam at 500 psia / 570 F. This steam would be supplied to heat exchangers for preheating various process streams with inlet temperatures...
  2. Hotown

    looking for daily power output data by plant

    ISO or NSA? Actually, turned up this info in the most obvious place this morning. The NRC posts a yearly excel file with this data one click away from the daily output reports. Not sure how I overlooked it the first time. http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/event-status/reactor-status/
  3. Hotown

    looking for daily power output data by plant

    Hi all. I'm trying to source plant daily power output data. I'm thinking this information should be compiled already by someone somehwere and am not really interested in combing through the NRC daily reports from the last few years. Does anyone know of a source for this information? I've found...
  4. Hotown

    Desalination training

    Thank bimr.
  5. Hotown

    Desalination training

    I'm having a hard time finding any desalination training courses. I'm looking for something fairly in-depth but would like to stay focused on thermal desalination more than RO systems. The ideal course would be a few days long in the US and cover system design, equipment design, operational...
  6. Hotown

    Unit Heat Rate vs Output

    You should consider using plant thermal performance software if you need a detailed analysis of this relationship. There are many on the market such as thermoflow, Gatecycle, PEPSE, etc.
  7. Hotown

    Definition of Pressure Boundary

    If you're goal is to detail the limits of an ASME Sec III pressure boundary I wouldn't focus on being generic. vpl's definition is the one to use.
  8. Hotown

    Fukushima No. 1 loss of coolant due to earthquake

    Here's the best breakdown of events I've seen yet: http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/RS_Massive_earthquake_hits_Japan_1103111.html?je And here's my personal favorite... http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/11/us-japan-quake-nuclear-clinton-idUSTRE72A4LR20110311 I bet they're running out of...
  9. Hotown

    equipment drain chugging - vent line sizing

    Thanks for the input guys. The more we looked at the vent idea and the new line up the less comfortable we were. We will be digging up the piping and re-designing it. Unfortunately the 10" diameter is still a requirement, so we're not out of the woods yet. I won't get into the story behind...
  10. Hotown

    equipment drain chugging - vent line sizing

    Thanks for the response katmar. I'm glad to see you came to the same conclusion we did. The problem is that the boiling floods the equipment room about 3" during each backwash. We are going to install a vent at the end of line.
  11. Hotown

    equipment drain chugging - vent line sizing

    We have a drain that puts water into a sump at 3000 gpm for 1.5 min. The sump drains via a 20" line which travels for 2500' with 5 manholes installed. The first manhole is located 450' after the sump. A change was recently made to the drain line 40' downstream of the sump where a section of...
  12. Hotown


    cranky108 - "How about we go back to wood to heat our boilers?" Ontario coal-fired plant plans switch to biomass (wood pellets) http://pepei.pennnet.com/display_article/350946/6/ARTCL/none/none/1/Ontario-coal-fired-plant-plans-switch-to-biomass/ Talk about a step backward.
  13. Hotown

    Boiler/Steam System Training

    I am a newer engineer and have taken over the boiler and heating steam system at our plant. Can anyone recommend a training course for me? What I really need is a course that will cover fundamental operation concepts and troubleshooting of boilers, deaerators, steam traps, etc. Please let me...
  14. Hotown

    The future of entry level jobs and U.S. engineers

    Check your local colleges for Career Fairs. At my college we had an Engineering specific career fair twice a year and a general fair three times a year. It's how I found my current job, and now they pay me to go back and stand on the other side of the booth!
  15. Hotown

    Nickel Chromium (Nichrom wire) shorting?

    We have no EE's. We all have very limited electrical experience and are learning as we go, so I'm sure it is a very simple problem. The draw on the loop is 1.7 amps at 24 VDC. Let me make sure I'm clear in our setup. Currently, all components run by our 24VDC output module are grounded...
  16. Hotown

    Nickel Chromium (Nichrom wire) shorting?

    Hi all, We are using nichrom wire at my work to keep some of our outdoor components from freezing. The problem is that when power is turned on to the loop (via plc) the voltage across any components that share a ground with the wire loop is reduced, in some cases to half the original voltage...