I agree with dpc, especially where he mentions the advantage of identifying high-risk areas such as main breaker compartments. I've seen older facilities with fuse-protected 13.8kV/480V transformers in the 1500kVA range where a fault in the main breaker compartment of the MCC would take several...
I agree, it's an interesting question. I think for now I'm going to suggest that the tie breakers be labeled with the worst-case scenario as follows:
With the tie breaker and both mains closed, the entire lineup will have one value.
With the tie breaker open and both mains closed, each lineup...
waross, you have stated the question correctly. Evaluating Case 1 and Case 2 is no problem, and I have done so. Case 3 is the problem. Is it even a feasible scenario? It seems to me that the highest possible rating in Case 3 would come about by adding the flash value of Bus 1 to the flash...
I did some searching and reading through these forums before posting, and was unable to find an answer. If this topic has already been covered, I apologize and if a link could be provided I'll happily delete this post (can I do that? I'm new here) and go read the original thread.
That said...