After my first question in this forum, problems keep going with Ansys, so I have new headache, new question.. In my model, Tig welding torch, I need to set current flow ( 150 amperes). I think what I m doing is not good; I have changed specify heat and then temperatures dont change. If I...
hi one more time
Thanks both of you for your replies, it helped me so much.
Now I have another problem. How I said in my first email I design in Ansys a Tig welding torch to study how temperatures and voltage are. I put convection loads on surfaces through argon pass "sfa,all,,conv,h,Ta"...
My warning is about shape limit: "Element shape checking is currently using one or more non-default
limits. Issue SHPP,DEFAULT to reset, if desired" . I had changed this limit to try to avoid the warning before solving, because I have 15 elements not so good in my model.
I have used...
Hi all,
I´m new with Ansys and it is becoming my worse personal nightmare¡. I m working with transient thermal analysis (tig welding torche). I need to run a file with various simulations but before solving Ansys says "your model has 1 warning, do you still to solve?". I would like to eliminate...