I'm using 100 MVA, becuase that is the utility standard, so the xfrmr would be .00225 p.u. My boss asked me to use 100MVA, noting the standard, and the fact that it would help me practice per unit conversion. So what would I do in that case. Thanks.
I'm working in the field right now, and graduated from a program that didn't dictate that I took a power class, which is where my job is. Needless to say that I plan on taking it in the fall. However, I'm working on a little project that dictates that I know, so I taught myself, but I'm having...
I am interested in both of those, however that being said, I'm just trying to analyze a simple system, to show him a little bit about it so we might begin to offer these services to local businesses. And if he's not quite ready, for that then I highly doubt we'll spring for the $8495.00 that...
I'm a new engineer, just out of school and still wet behind the ears. I'm trying to do a little arc-flash project for my boss to show marketability, and if he likes, he might ante up for some training. I figured out the flash hazards associated with the transformer, and any work that might be...