Yeah, it"s a trick sound recordists use, because actors and environments are unpredictable. You set one channel to record say, a conversation. But then somebody walks into the room, slamming the door, or an actor starts to yell. the original channel overloads, recording distortion, but the...
Thanks for the advice. I was a bit worried because the rec-level on the Minidisc is menu driven ---was wondering if some component might go crazy trying to match the levels or if i screwed the impedance or something. Already installed a little switch to cut the resistor in and out of the...
I just built a binaural microphone for recording sound. Basically it is
two electret mics wired to a stereo minipl jack. However, I put a 1 kilohm shunt resistor between the positive lead and ground leads of the left channel microphone. I did this so as to attenuate one microphone by 20dB. (I...