Loui1, Last time I checked this website is supposed to help providing input to other engineers. My reply to you is the following...Don't provide any more input anymore if you are not ready to go along.
For everyone else, thank you very much for all your input and carrying the conversation with...
Loui1 and Ron, I am not designing for tornado wind loading nor did the owner requested such a thing. I was lookiong to be a little bit more conservative than the 80 mph norm.
Thank you all for your help
Thank you Ron...I am in Oklahoma and I need to worry about high winds due to Tornadoes. No worries about rain loading, it should not collect any water.
Have you seen steel rods used to help with the uplift loading? I was thinking about using a 1" or 2" in diameter steel rods rather than...
Thank you Ron.
My canopy will have two columns and it will be used for a clinic entrance...Its for show :-). I was thinking about designning it as a cable stayed brigde with cantilever members supported by moment connections at the columns and cables for redundancy.
I read the IBC yesterday and...
I need to design a steel canopy with concrete columns. It will be a proximately 25'x40'. I have never done this design, however I am very familiar with uplift, wind loads and so forth. My question is the follwoing: Is there a manual or design guideline for these type of structures?