A bill modularizing process and usee of the configutator are very good solutions.
Don't limit the BOM to just physical parts used in production. You can modularize your manual and spares lists as well, assign separate numbers for each manual section and spares list and add those to the modular...
I am very familiar with Frank Watts’s book, Engineering Document Control Handbook. It is a good book for information on revisioning, interchangeability, Change Control and implementation. Frank does take a narrow view of CM as a bridge between Engineering and Production. I see CM more as...
I have used this system in several companies. It helps with implementation, stocking and traceability.
The problem is with MRP and PLM system being part number focused rather than drawing focused. Adds more work on the CM people. But what the heck, we don't have anything to do anyhow.
The tab is not a revision. The document revision is listed in the traditional manner (A, B, C...). See rules of interchangeability below:
? Rules of Interchangeability
• Interchangeable – An item which possesses such functional and physical characteristics as to be equivalent in performance...
A tab number does dot represent the revision. A tab is rolled to the next higher level when an item is revised such that it is only backward interchangeable.
The best numbering system is a non-significant system. I have found that any significant numbering system will last only about 6 months before the significance is lost.
You can use a tab number (dash number) to indicate interchangeability but most ERP and PDM systems don't handle this very...