Does anyone know how to get acad 2002 or 2004 to default to the same directory you're currently working in when you go to open another drawing?
Acad always wants to default to the last directory you opened a drawing in. It's really anoying when you're working on a job and you open some other...
Nice trick. It worked kind-of.
After mirroring and then rotating back into possition, I find that the arc of the text has changed, so I need to move each individual letter into place. I wonder if 2004 has fixed this.
Yes it is arc-aligned text by using the express menu option. Everytime I explode it, it mirrors itself and every letter too. Takes very long to get it back to looking right.
Does anyone know how to get autocad 2002 to pastespec as a block instead of automatically exploding it?
I have already redefined "Pasteclip" succesfully but the paste special still explodes automatically.
I discovered that a long time ago. However, I'm having a problem with others being able to see the arc text which I have created in my drawings. Do they need to have the bonus or express menu loaded?
I'm strugling with a problem that seams to happen when architect use a product called "architectural desktop". In my drawings the dimscale keeps defaulting to 96 and I'm constantly trying to delete the dimstyle override that seams to pop up out of the blue.
Has anyone else experienced...